The NomadTogether Podcast
Location Independence for Families
Be Informed!
We’re here to help you live your dream lifestyle as a family, no matter what that lifestyle is. From worldschooling to homeschooling, to unschooling, to boarding school. From RVing to tiny suitcases on airplanes, to overlanding, to live aboarding/cruising/sailing.
There are thousands of families living their own form of non-conventional lifestyle.
One thread ties us all together, from the Dutch, to the Brits, to the Spanish to the Americans, we all have rejected some form of “normal” life and desire to shape our lifestyle with a freedom to define that lifestyle.
In short, Freedom.
Join the Email list to be informed of new tools, new articles, and important topics for all digital nomad families.

A Podcast, an Email list to stay updated, and now an Ebook!

The Guide to Getting Started
Health & Insurance
Kids - Education & Stability
And Even a Free Facebook Group!
For us at this stage, the section about jobs was most helpful. We are planning a 1 year round the world trip next year and were having difficulty coming up with ideas on how to make money while traveling without interrupting the experience. The Family Freedom Guidebook listed so many options we had no idea about. I’m a chef and my fiancé is an engineer in the military so we were unsure how to use any skills we have to work remotely while still traveling. This section was very helpful!
Also, the section about schooling for kids while on the road was awesome. We don’t have kids, so it’s not applicable to us yet, but are trying to loosely plan now what this lifestyle will be like for our future children. We’re Canadian so we’ll have to change it slightly to work with our school system here, but it’s a great template. And comforting to know there’s a whole community out there wanting to do the same because our families think we’re crazy!
“We’ve found success & we’ve learned a ton.”
We have just begun our adventure. Well, sort of. When our twins were born four years ago, our travel slowed down a bit. But we have always dreamed of traveling the world with our kids. We were intentional about building a business that could be location independent. But, could it really work? And could we travel with the kids while running a business? We’ve found a huge success and we have learned a ton.
Don't Be Shy
We’re the Kortmans!
In 2013 as the we were doing research and planning for a round the world trip as a digital nomad family we discovered a lack of support for full time traveling families. The struggles of culture shock, the thought of raising kids in a community that doesn’t speak English.
We had no place to ask these questions. We were seeking people who have done this before, what are the tips, the advice, the possible pitfalls in what they were doing.

Like all other intrepid families before us we kept heading in the direction our hearts were leading and we did a round the world trip including a couple months in Southeast Asia, Africa and in Europe. (We’re from the United States). Upon completing this inaugural trip We wrote a guidebook to help other families who were interested in living a similar lifestyle. We now podcast via NomadTogether and are here to support other families committed to pursuing their dream lifestyle.
We’re currently Overlanding in an RV through Mexico heading for Ecuador and blog about it at Home Along the Way