
Episode #39: A Dad’s Perspective on Babywearing with Danny the Babywearing Dad

This is the third and final installment in our three part series on Babywearing. On this episode, you’re finally going to hear the dad’s perspective, as Becky is speaking with Danny “The Babywearing Dad” LeBron. Danny has a passion for supporting and bringing awareness to women’s rights, especially regarding breastfeeding and body autonomy. He is also a babywearing advocate, and encourages male caregivers to be active in attachment parenting lifestyles. Tune in this week to find out why Danny believes babywearing and attachment parenting are important for parents, and especially fathers.

Tune in to this week’s episode to find out:

  • How Danny first learned about babywearing and the benefits of it.
  • Why Danny believes people should wear their baby or toddler.
  • What attachment parenting is and why Danny believes it is important.
  • Why Danny recommends you should have 20 minutes of playtime with your child every day.
  • How difficult it was for Danny to start babywearing.
  • What advice Danny has for other dads who are considering babywearing or attachment parenting.

Mentioned in the episode:

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