
Episode #5: A Comprehensive Guide to Banking for Digital Nomads

Today we are going to talk about banking and how it can help you live a life of freedom. For most of us that are living the Western script, banking is a simple, everyday part of our lives. For digital nomads it can become a lot more complicated. We’ll be talking about some financial lessons that we learned  during our travels, and how you can avoid making the same mistakes. We’ll also be sharing what we believe are the top four banks worldwide for location-independent families, so you can choose the bank that is right for you.

Tune in to this week’s episode to find out:

  • Some tips for avoiding penalties on international transactions.
  • How the IRS has made it more difficult for foreign travelers to open bank accounts.
  • The complications that arise when transferring money from one bank to another and how to avoid transfer fees.
  • Four alternative options for transferring money between banks.
  • How to get rewarded for your banking practices.
  • The four banks that we recommend above all others for digital nomads.

Mentioned in the episode:


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