
Episode #36: The Blueprint to Location Independent Money with Avery Breyer

Today’s podcast is the second in our two-part series about money. On this episode, we’ll be speaking with Avery Breyer, the multiple-time bestselling author of the Smart Money Blueprint Series. Avery has been featured on live radio, along with many national publications. We talk with Avery about redesigning your life from the ground up, building online income streams, and living the digital nomad lifestyle with a family. If you want to know how to make money online, listen to this show.

Tune in to this week’s episode to find out:

  • How weather has been a factor in the Breyer family’s decision to become location independent.
  • What the Breyers do for a living and how they are able to support their lifestyle.
  • What led Avery to start self-publishing on Kindle.
  • How long it took the Breyers to transition into location independence.
  • What Avery would do if she could go back in time and do anything differently.
  • Why Avery believes almost everyone can find a way to generate location-independent income.

Mentioned in the episode:

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